Violet Flower Glycerite

How To Make A Violet Flower Glycerite

Considered by some to be nothing more than a weed, the common violet actually has many health benefits to offer us.

The edible flowers and leaves are:

  • high in mucilage (a plant substance that cools and moistens)
  • nourishing, and high in vitamins A & C
  • excellent lymph movers
  • a demulcent (something that forms a protective layer over irritated mucous membranes), making them a wonderful remedy for mild sore throats, coughs and the like.
  • a mild laxative (so, if you make violet jelly – like THIS ONE – eat in moderation.)
Collecting Violet Flowers for Violet Glycerite

When I think of ways to use violets, I try to remember that they are primarily cooling, soothing and moisturizing.

So, if you have a dry, itchy throat – think of violets. If you have a hot (inflamed) skin condition – think of violets.

Violets, combined with roses, make a great treatment for hot flashes. (My Rose Glycerite recipe can be found HERE.)

James Duke, in his book The Green Pharmacy, posits an interesting theory that because they’re high in rutin, violets may help reduce varicose veins.

In short, violets are pretty amazing little plants!

Violet Flower Glycerite

Violet Flower Glycerite

  • 3/4 cup lightly filled with violet flowers (about 30 g)
  • 4 tbsp (60 ml) vegetable glycerine

Gather your violet flowers, making sure they’re clean, since glycerine doesn’t kill germs like alcohol tinctures would.

Place them in a small mini food processor.

Add the glycerine and blend well.

Blend violet flowers and glycerine together

Press the mixture through a fine mesh sieve, or you can try squeezing through cheesecloth. This is a very messy step!

The glycerine should’ve taken on the color of the violets. It will taste slightly floral, sweet and grassy – all at the same time.

Violet Glycerite Turns From Purple to Green After Time but It Is Still Good to Use

Important Note:

Sadly, violet flower glycerite will lose its pretty purple shade after a while and turn greenish for a while and then eventually brown, so don’t count on it staying the violet color shown. You can try snipping off just the violet petals and not including the green part when blending, to try to get it to stay purple a little longer. No matter the color though, the benefits are the same!

Shelf life is a couple of months.

To Use:

Take around three drops at a time, on your tongue, two to three times a day. You can also try stirring it in herbal tea.

If you make a beauty product that includes glycerine, try adding some violet flower glycerite to boost its moisturizing and skin soothing properties!

Spring Tonic Honey made with violets and dandelions

More Violet Recipes You Might Like:




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  1. Hi, Jan. I LOVE violets, but have only the white with purple stripes growing in my garden. Would they work? Also, glycerine is not a favorite here–too sweet. If this is made as a tincture in alcohol, would it have the same healing properties? Thanks and God bless.

    1. Hi M! Yes, those violets will work fine too. You sure can make this with alcohol instead. (I usually prefer alcohol tinctures myself, as far as their potency and how much longer they last, but I know some people don’t use alcohol, so I try to offer many alternatives!) :)

  2. Love! Love! Love! Your website! Stumbled upon you! Very excited to get started making wonderful herbal remedies and useful products!

    1. Hi Laurie, I’m so happy to hear that you like the website! I hope you have lots of fun making wonderful things! :)

  3. Hello,

    What type of violets do you use? I can’t seem to figure out what exactly a violet is or find any seeds, (African violet, pansy, wild etc.?) If you use wild violets where and when do you find them?


    1. Hi Jessica! I use wild violets that grow around our house in the early spring – many people consider them a weed.
      There are several types of violets, and pansies and johnny-jump-ups are in the same family too.
      My local garden center has small purple violas for sale right now, which can act similarly as violets & be used in a pinch, but I’m not sure you can buy wild ones anywhere.
      Mine originally came from a tangled growth behind my sister’s house that had been taken over by violets. Just those few plants I got from her many years ago have multiplied like crazy.
      Perhaps a relative or friend may have some growing around their house & would let you have some of the plants?
      You definitely don’t want to use African violets though – those are in a completely different family & aren’t good to use for food or medicinal purposes.

    2. They pop up in the spring, like right now, in Ontario. They are wild, and like a weed. My backyard is full of them!!!Check untreated woodsy areas…Or maybe along trails. I can send you some if you’re interested.:)

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